Write On

One might call it insane. I have been repeating the same behaviors and expecting different results. Time and time again, messages come to mind about what to write. At times, I listen and imagine what I would write based on these messages. I’ve put together some amazing blog posts, chapters and creative concepts in my mind. Yet I rarely write them down. The big idea fades away. As quick as it comes together in my mind is as quick as it falls apart. I’ve gone from writing to imagining to barely anything over the years.

Lately, I’ve been reading tips from other writers and bloggers. What I’ve gathered is writing needs to be done on a regular basis. Write about anything and everything.  Whatever it is, if it brings me to write, so be it. The more I write, the more the creativity flows.  I need to put the pen to the paper in some form. Whether it’s doodling, random thoughts, writing a card or note, it’s the act of letting the message out.  I’m not selective about what to write on.  I’ve used notebooks, journals, napkin, sticky note, textbook pages, magazines, books folders, boxes and envelopes.   The idea is to free the words before they go away.

For years, I’ve been editing in my mind instead of just writing the words. It holds me back from continuing with the idea and usually stops the the process. There is a freedom in writing. It’s my creative form of expression. When I filter it before writing it down, I’m messing with the creative flow. I’m not even giving it a chance.  That needs to stop. (That was an “A-ha” writing moment right there!) I’ve come to realize that everything is material when it comes to writing, but not everything needs to be posted. Getting it up and out is key. Putting it out there is up to me. The editing and filtering should come after the first draft is written.

Like a muscle, writing will become stronger if the dedication and consistent effort is made. It needs to be stretched and worked out. In time, it will become part of my routine again.

I can’t expect anything to change if I don’t take action. What can I do to build my writing strength? Hmm…Ok. Got it. This week, I’m going to start by carrying a note pad with me so when the messages comes into my mind, I will write them down.

If you’re reading this, what is a change you would like to make?  

What action can you take towards that change?

What writing tips have you found helpful over the years?

Write on!


Change and Creativity

“Change is not something that we should fear.  Rather, it is something that we should welcome. For without change, nothing in this world would ever grow or blossom, and no one in this world would ever move forward to become the person they’re meant to be.”  ~Unknown


Why do so many people fear change instead of welcoming it?  We tend to get into a routine and become quite comfortable with things.  After a while, it is easy to develop a false sense of security.  It feels safe because we know we to expect.  It’s easy to become comfortably numb.  We resist change and close out creativity.

If we are not changing, we are not creating our lives.  Imagine if nothing changed in your life from this day forward.  Everything would remain the same.  Creativity would seize.  In a sense, we would be alive, but not living.  Would you be satisfied?  Would you have any regrets?  What comes up for you?

Whether you realize it or not, you play a part in creating each day.  It begins with creating an intention, attitude or outlook.  Conscious or subconscious, it’s there.  It could be based in fear or love.  Be mindful of your thoughts.

What are you creating? 








Creative Courage

As hard as it is to admit it, I’ve been stuck.  Several years ago, I lost my “virtual” voice.  My writing, blog posts and social media pages came to a halt.  I found myself in the middle of an unpredictable storm.  At times it was hard to walk through it.  Eventually the storm passed and the skies cleared.  Emotionally, it felt like my foundation had been cracked.  I needed to rebuild.

Since then, a part of me has been caught in a cycle of overwhelming fear when it comes to writing.  I have allowed the fear to hold me back. The ideas and words have continued to come to me every day.  This is nothing new.  Some people feel an urge to exercise, shop, eat, paint, dance, etc…  I feel the urge to write.  Then morning turns to night and nothing is released. Oh how I’ve longed to pick up the pen or type on my keyboard once again. 

As far back as I can remember, I have been creative.  Writing has been my passion. When I was a teenager, writing was my form of therapy for quite some time.  Before I was able to speak my truth, I wrote my truth.  It felt so freeing.  It filled my spirit and gave me purpose.

Through this experience, I’ve learned that my creativity and “inner-writer” never left me.  Somehow, the fear crept in and kept us apart.  It deflated my courage, sense of security and self-worth.  My inner-writer has been patiently waiting to reunite.  My creativity was not as patient and took another route.

When the words were unable to find a way out, my creativity connected me with Coloring.  About a year ago, I bought a couple Meditation Coloring Books as a different way to get back into meditation.  I loved it!  I ordered dozens of coloring books, packs of markers, gel pens, and when the creativity was really flowing, Prismacolor pencils.  Coloring gave me a chance to put the pen to the paper again and create.  What a beautiful process it has been.

I have felt a shift from within.  I started working with a Life & Business Coach a few weeks ago.  It reinforced what a powerful process coaching can be when I’m ready to change.  One of the “ah-ha” moments came when my Coach helped me see how much my creativity was connected to my authentic-self.  By tapping back into my creativity through coloring, I reconnected to a place within where my inner-writer was waiting.  It was time to reunite.

I took a deep breath and asked my Higher Power to take the fear away.  I felt love in my heart.  I let go of the false beliefs.  I felt the courage and inspiration come back to me.  I released the negative thoughts and doubts.  I gave myself permission to live in my truth.  I embraced my creativity.  And I wrote this blog post!
