Believe in YOUrself

577108_367679263309780_1429267908_nYour glass is half full.

Believe in yourself.

Focus on the good.

You’ve gotten this far, right?  Keep going!

What is calling you?

Take a deeper listen to the spiritual being within and turn it into a human experience to remember.

Any fear or doubt only adds another push towards your greatness.

Any obstacles can be turned into stepping stones.

Rise above!  Get in touch with your purpose.

The path is there.  Just let go and it will become clearer.


If you need a motivating push towards overcoming your fears and creating positive changes in your life, contact ICF certified Life Coach Jennifer Bridge Mcgraw, ACC for a free intro coaching call at or visit

Spiritual beings having a human experience

This quote inspired me to change the name of my blog to “A Human Experience.”  It reminded me that we are all one.  We are spiritual beings by nature.  Our journey through life is paved with experiences.  These experiences are something that we all have in common, collectively.  We can help one another by sharing them.

And so it begins.  The new focus here will be on my random experiences as a human.

We Rise by Lifting Others

It has been way too long since I’ve added a post to this blog.  This is my first post of 2012 and it’s already June!  But when I saw this picture, it motivated me to add a post.  Something has been missing the last few months.  Part of it has to do with shifting some priorities around in my life.  Finding balance and time to do it all is always a challenge as well.  Like the picture says, “WE RISE BY LIFTING OTHERS.”  So I’ve challenged myself to focus on lifting others.  As soon as I started thinking about ways to give back, help others and be selfless, I started feeling better inside.  Imagine how good it will feel when I put it into action.  Writing this post is the start of it.

Do you want to join my challenge to focus on lifting others?  Well come on!  WHAT CAN YOU DO TO LIFT ANOTHER PERSON’S SPIRIT?  Think about it.  Make a list.  Ask yourself at the start of your day, during the day and at night.  Pay attention to what comes to mind.  Put it into action.  Leave a comment to check in and let us know how it’s going.






A Little Reminder

If you are reading this, know that you are good enough, loved and have a purpose.

  • Keep your head held high.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Take the high road.
  • Don’t take other people’s actions personal.
  • Spend a few minutes with nature.
  • Sing and dance more often.
  • Give someone a compliment.
  • Hug your children and/or pets.
  • Think positive thoughts.
  • Smile at strangers.
  • Take a chance.
  • Believe in yourself.
  • The possibilities are endless!

Written by Life Coach Jennifer Bridge


In the Virtual or Present Moment?

As man becomes fatter, television becomes thinner.

“In today’s rush we all think too much, seek too much, want too much and forget about the joy of just Being.” ~Eckhart Tolle

When I was a kid, we played outside for hours, ate dinner as a family and physically had to get up to change the channel on the television.  That was about 35 years ago (wink, wink.)  It is mind-blowing to see how much things have changed.  Some for the better and some for the worse.  The advances in technology have brought computers, iPads, smart phones, 3-D television and more into our reality.  More then ever, we have the tools needed to connect to others anytime we desire.  Yet, our society seems to be more disconnected socially then ever.

The other night, I was at a restaurant waiting for my carry-out order.  I could not help but notice a father and son sitting at a table having dinner together.  What stood out was the disconnect.  The father was paying all of his attention to his iPhone while his son played with his food.  Not one word was said in the 5 – 10 minute time frame that I was there waiting for my food.  The son looked up at his father a few times, but didn’t say a word.  It made me wonder if that had become the new version of going out to dinner together.  Physically, they were at the same table, but the interaction was not there.  

Now don’t get me wrong, I think advances in technology have many benefits.  To name a few examples, technology helps to save lives, keeps us safe, guide us to destinations and allows us to communicate with people around the world.  However, when something good is taken to an extreme, it can backfire.  Have we become too dependent on it?  I literally felt my stomach turn and broke out in a sweat when I left my blackberry at home one day.  I had withdrawal.  Part of my routinue was thrown off.  That can’t be a good thing.

 Our society seems to be allowing technology to take our ability to be in the moment.  Sitting still has become a foreign concept to some people.  I became more aware of the power of technology when I went to get gas the other day.  I heard a television show playing in the background.  I looked around and noticed there were small monitors playing commercials for new shows at each gas pump.  Really? Isn’t this a little extreme.  I made me realize how nice it was to sit in my car in silence for a few precious moments waiting for the gas tank to fill.  The sound of the television blarring the the background was taking me few moments of silence away.   

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” ~Albert Einstein

When was the last time you lost power from a bad storm?  What did you do?  Did it reconnect you with the present moment?   How long can you go without using the computer, television, iPad, cell phone, music, email or texting?  Do you remember what it was like to wake up and not grab the cell phone right away? 

When was the last time you sat still and connected with the present moment instead of the virtual moment?   


Handling the Holidays


With Thanksgiving only a few weeks away, we are on the verge of another holiday season.  It’s hard to believe, right?  I feel like I was just laying out at the pool.  But the seasons have changed.  The invites to Thanksgiving dinners and Holiday parties will soon begin to arrive.  The cooking, eating, decorating, holiday list making, budgeting, shopping, planning, scheduling, holiday card writing, running around and more is about to begin.  Feeling stressed out and overwhelmed yet?


Be a part of the upcoming coaching program called “Handling the Holidays” starting in November where you can DISCOVER HOW TO:

  • Be your best self during the holidays
  • Become aware and let go of fears that come up this time of year
  • Overcome the overwhelm of the holiday season
  • Make a budget, better manage  your money and spending
  • Get along (or at least be civil) to certain family members during holiday gatherings
  • Stay fit, eat healthy and maintain peace of mind
  • Get organized and balanced
  • Help others and get outside of yourself
  • Create a realistic New Year’s plan

By participating in the Handling the Holidays coaching program, you will RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING:

  • Benefit of having Jennifer Bridge, an ICF certified Coach facilitating the coaching calls
  • Two group coaching calls per month (Nov, Dec and Jan)
  • One individual coaching call per month  (Nov, Dec and Jan)
  • Email support between coaching calls as needed
  • Coaching tools to help you handle the holidays
  • Accountability and a new awareness
  • Empowerment and Support on an individual and group level
  • Connection with like-minded people
  • A motivating push towards positive changes

If you are interested in life coaching, but cannot begin in early November, contact Jennifer Bridge at to set up a time that works best for you.  For more details, on the Handling the Holidays coaching program, go to

Overcoming the Fear

Life is full of ups and downs. With each experience we learn and grow. It is easy to play the victim and stay stuck in a situation. I used to be the “eternal victim” until I realized that I was responsible for my own actions. My mindset used to be “bad things always happen to me.” I was so stuck in this way of thinking.  I could not see that my choices led to situations that brought me pain. Once I learned how to step back and take the higher road, things changed. The blinders were removed and I saw things in a new way.  It took a lot of work, but I changed. And now, I help others discover who they are and change for the better.

All of us are here for a reason.  Some know what that reason is and others haven’t found it yet.  We all have dreams and goals, but many people not in touch with them.  Fear can keep us stuck in the same routine and environment for months and even years.  Where does that voice of fear come from?  For some it stems from lack of self-love, worth or esteem.  For others it is a voice of an abusive parent or parental figure from our childhood.  Giving power to that voice of fear can make it feel next to impossible to move forward.  It holds us back from finding our purpose, following our dreams and reaching our goals.  Some of us feel so trapped in those fearful thoughts that we stay in the same relationship, job, living situation and surround ourselves with the same friends. It can turn into an endless cycle.  But somehow it “seems” safe or comfortable.

The reality is that all of us can overcome the fear.  We all have an inner-strength.  We can let go of the fear and change.  It is just a matter of discovering what works for you.  One way is through life coaching.  A professional life coach can work with you on ways to move beyond the fear.  And in turn,  you will be able to create a plan of action to get from where you are to where you want to be.  “The possibilities are endless with how far you can go!”


          To learn more about ways to overcome fear and creating positive changes in your life,
         contact Life Coach Jennifer Bridge, ACC for a free intro phone appointment at or visit

Live a Less Stressful Life

“If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.” – George F. Burns

Post written by Leo Babauta.

Stress is a major problem for many people — a hectic, stressful job, a chaotic home life, bills to worry about, and bad habits such as unhealthy eating, drinking and smoking can lead to a mountain of stress.

If your life is full of stress, like mine once was, there are some simle things you can do to get your life to a more manageable level.

Now, your life will probably never be stress-free — I don’t think that’s even desirable, even if it is possible, because stress is something that challenges us and helps us grow. At a reasonable level. But when stress gets too high, it causes us to be unhappy and unhealthy.

It wasn’t that long ago when I was working long hours in a very stressful job, with little time for my family, smoking and eating fatty foods and not exercising. I had a lot of debt and too many bills. I was unhappy and stressed out all the time. I was losing hair … OK, actually that was because of genetics, but still. I was pretty stressed.

So I made some drastic changes. I quit my job. I simplified my life. I quit smoking and started exercising and eating healthier. I began to eliminate my debt. And I learned some habits that, when applied on a daily basis, can really transform the way you live, in a positive way.

How did I do all of this? One thing at a time. I didn’t do a major rehaul of my life. I changed one habit a month, and gradually over the course of a year or two changed a lot of things in my life.

I won’t guarantee that all of these will work for you. They worked for me, but each person is different. Pick and choose the ones that will work best for you, and give them a try. One at a time.

1. One thing at a time. This is the simplest and best way to start reducing your stress, and you can start today. Right now. Focus as much as possible on doing one thing at a time. Clear your desk of distractions. Pick something to work on. Need to write a report? Do only that. Remove distractions such as phones and email notifications while you’re working on that report. If you’re going to do email, do only that. This takes practice, and you’ll get urges to do other things. Just keep practicing and you’ll get better at it.

2. Simplify your schedule. A hectic schedule is a major cause of high stress. Simplify by reducing the number of commitments in your life to just the essential ones. Learn to say no to the rest — and slowly get out of commitments that aren’t beneficial to you. Schedule only a few important things each day, and put space between them. Get out of meetings when they aren’t absolutely essential. Leave room for down time and fun.

3. Get moving. Do something each day to be active — walk, hike, play a sport, go for a run, do yoga. It doesn’t have to be grueling to reduce stress. Just move. Have fun doing it.

4. Develop one healthy habit this month. Other than getting active, improving your health overall will help with the stress. But do it one habit at a time. Eat fruits and veggies for snacks. Floss every day. Quit smoking. Cook something healthy for dinner. Drink water instead of soda. One habit at a time.

5. Do something calming. What do you enjoy that calms you down? For many people, it can be the “get moving” activity discussed above. But it could also be taking a nap, or a bath, or reading, or having sex (which can also be considered a “get moving” activity if you do it for longer than 5 minutes). Other people are calmed by housework or yardwork. Some people like to meditate, or take a nature walk. Find your calming activity and try to do it each day.

6. Simplify your finances. Finances can be a drain on your energy and a major stressor. If that’s true with you, figure out ways to simplify things. Automate savings and bill payments and debt payments. Spend less by going shopping (at malls or online) much less. Find ways to have fun that don’t involve spending money.

7. Have a blast! Have fun each day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. I like to play with my kids — they take my mind off everything and are really hilarious. I also like to play sports (again, often with my kids). Board games are fun. Sex, again, can be a fun activity. Whatever you choose, be sure to laugh.

8. Get creative. Throwing yourself into a creative activity is another great way to de-stress and to prevent stress. I like writing, but others like to paint or play music or sketch or make pottery or do interior design or build things.

9. Declutter. This is a favorite of mine. I like to take 20-30 minutes and just go through a room, getting rid of stuff we don’t use or need anymore. I look around at anything that’s cluttering up a room, and get rid of it or find a better place for it. When I’m done, I have a nice, peaceful enviornment for work, play, and living. Do this a little at a time — it can be one of your “fun activities”.

10. Be early. I will admit that it’s hard to be early when you have to get 6 kids ready (seriously — try it!). But being late can be very stressful. Try to leave earlier by getting ready earlier, or by scheduling more space between events. Things always take longer than normal, so schedule some buffer time: extra time to get ready, to commute, to do errands before you need to be somewhere, to attend a meeting before another scheduled appointment. If you get somewhere early, it’s good to have some reading material.

Work in Progress

I am a work in progress.

At times my heart has been temporarily closed for repairs.

My mind has been extended with new bridges for thoughts to travel along.

The capicity for how many may be onsite changes with time.

There are constant changes happening.

Some days are more challenging then others.

Unpredictable storms may create danger zones.

I cannot do it alone and have a team to help me when I ask.

It will take a life time to finish.

Redesign and renovations of some areas are to be expected.

Things will not always go according to plan.

With each experience, I will keep on learning and building more.


~Written by Life Coach Jennifer Bridge, ACC

How do you make everything OK?


I found the magic button to make everything OK!  After years of searching, it virtually came to me.  You can see it for yourself at the Magic Button – Make Everything OK page.  This got me thinking.  If only it was as easy as clicking a magic button.  Which led to the question, how do you make everything OK?

Whether we see it or not, at this moment everything really is OK.  Our thoughts about the past and projections about the future are what blurs our perception of reality.  Being present is the best way that I have found to be OK.  It is so easy to let the weight of the world build up on our shoulders.  Between trying to get all of the items on our “things to do” list done, day-to-day routinues and planning for the future, it can feel overwhelming.  In that moment, I have found it helpful to take a deep breath and focus on the air going in and then out.  After doing some deep breathing for a moment and focusing on the present moment, I feel more centered.  It brings my mind back to reality where everything really is OK.  (My back-up alternative is ice-cream!)